Information for Hosts
Flight arrangements and transportation to the university are at the responsibility of the speaker.
Please remind the speaker to keep all their receipts.
Our budget, although somewhat flexible, is $1100/talk.
This budget includes the hotel cost.
Accommodations are coordinated by Brenda Thomas () .
By default we make reservations for the speakers on Tuesday and Wednesday nights at the Quadrangle Club, which functions as the faculty club for university of Chicago.
It is about 2 blocks from our research institute.
It is also possible to stay at a hotel in downtown Chicago, which is closer to tourist sights, but this requires a cab ride down to the University.
Speakers preferring to stay downtown should contact Ms. Thomas as early as possible so that we can cancel our standing reservation at the Quad Club and make the appropriate arrangements.
Local speakers do not receive any reimbursement for accommodation expenses or transportation.
Entertainment expenses for visitors are limited to $35 per dinner guest and also to $210 for all faculty guests together for any Computations-in-Science visitor. The limit does not apply to the direct expenses of the speaker.